My Eczema Care Routine

To make ths easier, I have now posted an up to date (July 2016) Morning Routine. You can find it here

I will be adding an evening routine and more details on diet and holistic care. Until then I have left the following bits below. If there are parts of my routine you have questions about or think I’ve missed, please let me know so I can write a post!

My night routine has more on how I manage weeping, skin infections and flaking beyond just applying moisturisers. I do this at night as I have more time. This will be posted soon !

Throughout the day

1) Like any eczema sufferer, I carry cream on me at all times! I don’t leave the house without it though at the moment I am rarely having to use it. If ever I feel dry, irritated (or look in the mirror and see my dry face!) whilst I’m out, I apply my cream. I keep the REN cream I mentioned handy. It is a pump style bottle so is easier to apply in public. This does not leave skin red after applying which is great for me! The Eucering cream I previously used would moisturise but leave my eczema patches bright red! The salves are great too and are handy because they’re small.

2)  I’m a tea drinker! Caffeine isn’t good for our system and dairy is something I also try to minimise, so I’ve now tried to swap to chamomile tea whenever I want tea or other herbal teas like nettle, ginger and fennel (if you have tried any good ones please let me know 😀 ). It doesn’t taste the same and sometimes I miss usual English tea, but I’ve tried to minimise my tea drinking, especially if its in the afternoon/ evening because I find it hard to sleep in general and this won’t help! I do still drink tea, but I’ve gone down from 5 cups a day to around 2.

I used to drink tea with sugar which used to be a big part of the problem as sugar itself makes me itch so I try to keep my intake reduced! I have adapted to no sugar at all now and you know what? It isn’t as hard as I thought it would be! Since a cup of tea is better than no cup,the sugar doesn’t seem so important anymore! If you like your sugar then try and slowly reduce it, honestly, I now find it weird having sugar in my tea and I used to add a heaped spoon. You can cut it out.

If you can’t give up normal English tea, then opt for decaf, it really can make a difference! But I quite like my herbal teas, there are so many to choose from so a bit of trial and error can help!

3)I drink a lot of water each day. I make sure my body is hydrated. I know sometimes when I’m busy I can go hours without water without even realising it, however, I try to keep a bottle on me at all times as I find I drink it if it is in front of me. When I’m at home too, I make sure water is always around and I drink it throughout the day. I steer clear of sodas and drinks with a lot of colour and preservatives in and stick to water. I keep a bottle by my bed, in the car and when I am at work or uni I take a bottle with me. Water really is a natural healer.

Sleep/ Night Routine

When my skin is bad, sleep tends to be very hard to achieve!  I’ve slowly started to make adjustments to my habits to get a better night’s rest. When my skin is flared angrily on my face, I cannot even lean on it without my face weeping so it becomes very hard to sleep. Even when it is calming down, the itchiness can sometimes keep me up. SO I now do the following things to help me try and sleep better and through the night, rather than waking up during the night. The better I sleep, the less I itch in my sleep and that is definitely a benefit!

Now after years, my sleep routine is so much better. I sleep better and fuller and the itching tendencies have greatly reduced!

1) This might seem simple and obvious, but I make sure that I don’t get into bed until I feel tired. In the past, if I had an early start I’d try and get into bed so that I would have at least 8 hours sleep, even if I’d woken up at 12pm on that day! Bad idea when you have eczema. I found that if I got into bed at times like this, I would be restless and end up scratching in my tossing and turning frustrated state which I would then regret when I woke up and looked at my face in the mirror! If I only get into bed when I’m tired, I find that I fall asleep a lot faster and don’t have to go through the aggravation caused by being restless! This simple trick is so effective. Do not go to sleep until you are tired!

2) To help me become tired in the evenings more easily and get a good routine in general too, I wake up at the same time everyday (8 am for me but earlier if I have work). At first, this was hard because I love my lie ins! Who doesn’t think of a saturday lie in as a pleasure? But this has really helped me sleep more fully at night and I cannot believe it is so simple. I thought it would be hard and at first it kind of was but it does get easier! I found slowly moving your wake up time forward is the way to go so rise 10 minutes earlier each day and see how you get on. But I have found with a good wake up routine in place, I now naturally wake up around the time my alarm goes off now or when it goes off and I don’t feel tired, I can easily get out of bed and that wasn’t something I ever experienced before! In general, when my eczema is bad I find it really hard to just get out of bed sometimes, and this early wake up routine has helped me get up and start my day. The routine of waking up at the same time everyday and then going to bed when I naturally feel tired has worked well for my sleep. The early start means I naturally get tired in the evening. As a student, the lie ins til 12pm really didn’t help my sleeping pattern! Yes you might be thinking but what about the weekends etc and this is when I struggle to keep to my routine, but it is worth it if you find sleeping difficult :). In addition, I feel so much more productive if I’m up and showered at 9.30 with the day ahead. I always regret the lie in when my day is wasted….The positive impact on my mood is itself a positive.

3) Before I get into bed, I use my face and neck routine as mentioned in my wake up routine ( I will be doing an evening routine post so keep posted!). Now I used to avoid washing my face twice a day, but actually when using hydrating products it has been better for my skin and stops it clogging up. If I wear make up, I use a a balm based cleanser first and then repeat with a cream based one to ensure I get all of the make up off gently. I like Suti Cleanse (read my review for more info!) and the Organic Pharmacy Carrot Butter cleanser. I also have a general evening routine to unwind. Find something you enjoy and so it nightly. Not skin based but YOU based.

4) I sometimes use Lavender Essential Oil and I place a few drops of it on my pillow before I go to sleep. The University of Maryland suggests there is scientific evidence demonstrating that lavender improves sleep quality, promotes relaxation and lifts mood in people suffering from sleep disorders. Research has also confirmed that lavender produces slight calming, soothing, and sedative effects when its scent is inhaled. All good things when you find it hard to get to sleep! If you search up on the internet, you can read all of the other benefits of lavender. I find that it really helps me, I’m not sure if it’s just psychological but I find that lying there inhaling the lavender really helps me fall asleep. Perhaps it just gives me something to concentrate on as the smell is quite strong! But I now do this and I just like the smell really, I can put those drops on my pillow lie in bed and just do some slow breathing exercises to wind down.

5) I drink a prebiotic drink before bed. It helps to keep bowel movements regular and this can ensure we are getting rid of toxins more easily. It definitely keeps me regular so if you struggle, this works wonders! Just think, we need to get rid of the toxins!

6) YOGA!! Trust me this is a really good way to wind down. I don’t do this daily but I should! I will alternate between yoga and meditation.

7) I spend 30 minutes in bed doing something like reading. I also keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day I list 5 things that went well. Trust me looking back at this in low points helps you to appreciate all of the small things!



I take:

1) Probiotic capsule every morning
2) Vitamin D3 also with food (during winter and when skin flares)

Other Management Techniques:

Now I don’t know about you, but stress is a huge factor for me. I worry, I get worked up and it can impact on my skin. To now combat this, I use the following techniques:

1) I attend yoga weekly. This isn’t for everyone, but it gives me an hour of a half away from busy life to relax. I think the main thing here is the ME time. Just some time for you, peace and quiet. No mobiles, no laptops, no distractions.

2) I have a filofax to keep organised: This has been AMAZING for me! It keeps me in check with my To dos and on ball with uni assignments and work. The plus is I get to personalise it.

3) Meditation: Now I never knew how to meditate but Headspace is guided meditation you can try for free by downloading their app and I really would say try it! I thought it was weird at first, but after 10 days of doing it, I kind of got into it. Now I don’t do it daily (I really am aiming to though!) but it is so calming. It clears my mind. Do you ever have it where you’re stressing yourself out by overthinking? Well meditation helps to clear that for me! If you read up on meditation you can see just what benefits daily meditation can bring!


It has taken me ages to rewrite this so thanks for your patience! Hope it helps. Please leave your thoughts and comments!

165 Responses to “My Eczema Care Routine”
  1. Josh says:

    If you are still active on here. I would like to show you a testimony of an eczema suffer I think you would benefit from it.


  2. bre says:

    I love this blog! I have had eczema, asthma, egids, and other allergy related problems since I was little. I had he bad eczema. The “can’t take your socks off because they stuck to the bloody scabs and now they’re glued on” kind of eczema. I am just now starting to crack some of the codes myself, and blogs like these rock! My skin cleared up really fast after doing a top 8 elimination diet, originally for my eoe. You can track my progress here!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Selina says:

      Sounds like you have come along way! What helped you? It sounds like elimination worked wonders? It’s Amazing how much support and tips we can pick up from each other through blogging! Really glad you find my blog useful – it really reminds me of why I blog in the first place 🙂


  3. Backwardshan says:

    You are sent from heaven I swear haha! I absolutely HATE eczema. Hate hate hate. I suffered as a child and now for the past year it has come back to haunt me. I have wasted so much time and money on different products that I have begun to lose all hope in ever having calm clear skin. You have given me hope and the motivation i need to not give up!
    I started off with trying the simple range of products and even those did not react well with my skin, I definitely agree with the issue of toners. Everything just seems to burn and itch! I have naturally (before eczema) very oily skin so trying to put makeup on top of it is just a nightmare. I have been a model for 6 years and obviously this has been causing a major issue with work! Every time if have makeup on my face I just want to claw it off. Eczema creams and ointments seem to just make my patches even more red and generally just looks like I have a sweaty face haha. Definitely not an attractive look for me. I’m also SUPER pale so my patches are so noticeable.
    I have tried dream cream from lush and it calmed my skin for a while but now if I apply to my face it just itches like crazy, so it seems even natural products hate me too.
    In the summer I get too embarrassed to wear shorts asi get it quite bad on my legs and the backs of my knees will be red raw and even bleeding.
    I just want some relief 😦
    really enjoyed your post
    Hannah xxx


    • Selina says:

      Hi Hannah

      Thank you for your post. I’m so glad you feel motivation to beat your eczema, great to hear. You can do it, it is a pain when it just flares but it’s all admit reducing stress and anxiety and finding what works for you.

      How’s your skin doing at the moment? Does your eczema calm in summer by any chance compared to winter or is it lonely to flare all year round? The reason i ask is because vitamin d has been wonderful for me. Also a rose toner will be gentle for your face! Perhaps try that? The trilogy calming serum also helped me with my redness which I’d get every time i showered. It calmed it quite soon after application which i don’t usually get.

      Good luck with your skin though! And if you are feeling stressed, anxious and finding it hard to sleep try using the latest link I’ve posted. I even fall asleep to the sound of my voice. Ha! Just feel like I’ve had a good sleep the morning after and it can help reduce anxiety xx


  4. anon says:

    I suffer from severe eczema, started flaring up about two years ago and hasn’t stopped… and reading this post has made me a little less sad about it! Thank you for being so open about it ! Means a lot!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Selina says:

      Hi Anon. You are not alone here and this blog has been a fab way to share skin tips. Hope your eczema is calm. Don’t give up!


  5. Rich says:

    How was your eczema doing? Have you heard of a water softener? If not, try installing it in your home. I’ve heard that it can actually treat eczema. 🙂


    • Selina says:

      Hi Rich I have heard of water softeners helping. I live in a medium type water area in the UK but I did look into getting a water softener but because I live in a family home of 6 the cost quote was quite expensive to get fitted….I thought perhaps when I get my own place it might be more affordable! I do find though that places like London which I think are harder water do irritate my skin after a few days of use though so definitely a link!

      Vitamin d3 has worked well for me though!


  6. Beth says:

    I appreciate some of the recommendations and am going to try some new products. My eczema has been so bad on my back and chest the last few weeks, it has been driving me crazy!
    The only things I can pass along is that eucerin has only caused my eczema to get worse. It helps with the dry skin, but seems to cause moisture which causes more itching and red bumps.
    The second wisdom I can pass along is, in the fall, I get an unfortunate extreme dry flakey eye lids. Basically eczema/contact dermatitis on my eye lids. It is awful! Anyway, if you ever experience this buy Elizabeth Ardin 8 hour cream… Clears up in about 3 days. The other thing that helped with the eye problem the year before was Mario Badescu control cream.


    • Selina says:

      Thanks for the tips 🙂


      • Stella says:

        Hi there, I have been taken off meds which flared up my skin after taking 5 months to clear it. Plus I have sunburnt peeling skin on my face and have been peeling for what is coming up to the 5th week. So I will buy frozen wheatgrass shots and also raw goat kefir from chuckling goat farm… I need to feed my skin.

        I have been feeling so lousy that I haven’t done the house work for 3 days!

        My skin is very sensitive…too sensitive to use the products mentioned here on this blog.

        I just use coconut oi, shea butter or olive oil. The skin on my body is becoming baby soft but my arms and legs are still to become eczema free.

        I am taking the NHS to court for compensation… They have me up against a wall and am tired of their stupid meds with stupid side effects…I am almost unrecognisable from 3 years ago!

        Anyway, enough of the rant


      • Selina says:

        Hi, how is your eczema doing now?

        I’m sorry to hear the products wouldn’t be too practical for you that I have mentioned though the ones you mention are greta natural ones 🙂 I really love shea butter and coconut oil, just wish they weren’t so greasy at times!

        Hope all is well! How is the wheatgrass going?


  7. Cheryl says:

    What prebiotic drink do you take?


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  10. Hi there! This article could not be written any better!
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    He always kept talking about this. I most certainly
    will forward this information to him. Fairly
    certain he’s going to have a great read. Thank you for sharing!


  11. b says:

    im an eczema sufferer too. i have it on my nose, and on my elbow. i have sensitive skin, and it looks horrible cause i have pale skin, and a huge red area around my nose. it started with weird little pimples and dry patches around my nose that itched really bad, then it morphed, if you will, into dry, constant flaking that smells like freeking CHEESE!!! i have gone to the derm for this many times, and theyve given me doryx, ,which worked wonders at first, but now, it doesnt even phase it. ive learned from much research that its an allergy. no, i havent done the experiement, because i love dairy entirely too much, but i believe its from dairy. it only itches like crazy after i eat cheese etc. maybe its all in my head, but im positive thats what it is. that and i need a huge detox from fast food, processed food, beer, and random nasty crap that i cant seem to give up. i know it all comes down to diet, but i cant seem to make myself obedient to it.


    • I had the same problem. I put off changing my diet because I love the bad foods too much! I also half attempted to cut out things and failed many times. … Please read my post on changing your diet successfully! ! I hope it will help you! Trust me you think its harder than it actually will turn out to be! Its hard for about 2 weeks then it be comes normal. Try it for your skin, it really is worth it for relief!


    • Renee says:

      I am a Registered Nurse and have seen much in the way of skin conditions and there is still much we do not know. Eczema can be very different for each individual. Allergies, such as food allergies can cause skin conditions. Going on an allergy free, anti-inflammatory diet to make your system more alkaline has worked wonders on many people, not just on skin either but their entire body/system. Gluten/sugar free diet has also bee a success on many even those without known allergy or sensitivity to these things. Staying away from GMO (genetically modified) or processed foods is another. However, there is a little secret supplement that I have found in personal use for my husband that works wonders! Yes, wonders! My husband has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) he suffered on many steroids and had in turn dealt with a lot of thrush….skin rashes….itchy dry red flaky patches scattered in different areas of his body……annoying, uncomfortable, embarrassing skin issues. The doctors always put him on antifungal treatments that were harsh to his system and never really helped or rid him of all the symptoms. Because we scout both modern medicine and holistic medicine we found this supplement called Candidase made by Enzymedica, it is a vegan and kosher plant based enzyme that balances yeast levels which in turn cleanses you gently and and encourages a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria. The instructions on the bottle are easy to follow…read thoroughly. Also, starve the yeast by stopping any dairy or yeast foods that you can….beer, milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc…. I also, recommend stopping milk and eggs and peanuts for healthier systems on a daily basis since these tend to be common allergy foods and cause all kinds of systemic problems…try stopping one of these things for a couple weeks to take note of your bodies response before stopping the next one….be your own test subject it is easier than you think! You can take this supplement while you figure out your diet….to help you get immediate relief! We have had such consistent success with this enzyme that we now tell everyone about it and find that all kinds of skin conditions have been vastly improved or eliminated with this enzyme. It is a 2 week cleanse but after my husband has used this several times to rebalance his system…..after his last cleanse he just stayed on 1 every other day for like a maintenance dose. You could buy this online or vitamin shoppe….only @ $40ish dollars and well worth it! Try it and let me know if you have any success….best wishes!


  12. ziyanda says:

    I’ve read the blog and I’m really happy to have learnt some very useful tips to taking care of eczema skin. As an eczema sufferer I’ve found that using dove soap helps a lot,because of its balanced ph level it doesn’t dry the skin out thus causing less irritation


  13. Marjolein says:

    I didn’t read through all the replies, there are too many. I just wanted to mention that I have a type of eczema on my head and behind my ears. I use a shampoo with piroctone olamine and it really works!


    • nell759 says:

      Marjolein, can you divulge the brand name of that shampoo? My itchy scalp drives me crazy! I can control it with “Clear” scalp therapy oil but then I have a really bad hair day!


  14. nell759 says:

    Dear Fellow Eczema-sufferers,
    This is my first letter to your Blog but I’ve been reading it and the replies and comments and emails whenever they appear. It’s great to learn other people’s stories of how they deal with it. But so far I haven’t read any stories by anyone close to my age! I’m 81. I’ve been told that it’s pretty common in the elderly, and a result of skin thinning and drying = much more sensitive, susceptible to eczema in particular. But I’ve also been advised by dermatologists to use cortisone-steroid cream “twice a day on itchy places” and don’t worry about the side-effects. (Maybe they think I won’t live long enough for side-effects to occur! but I intend to live at least another 15 years or so; my mother died at 99). What I’d like to know is, are any of you out there “old”??? I don’t want to accept this as just an age-related problem that I have to live with. I’d like to get rid of it entirely (cortisone/steroid cream only stops itching temporarily, it’s not a cure) and I’m going to try Vit D3 for sure. (I live in Portland Oregon where the sun doesn’t shine much in the winter). Also I am starting to deal with “stress” by meditating a couple of times a day. They tell me that the principal cause of eczema is stress. And joyful events can be stressful, too. Maybe getting used to being 80 is also stressful.


  15. HunyB says:

    For shampoos & body soaps I am highly suggesting that you use SULFATE FREE products. Sodium Lauryth Sulfate (SLS) is a toxic chemical that also DRIES out skin. I even use sulfate-free hand soap & toothpaste!!
    I recently been getting eczema on my eyelids..were place to get it. I’ve just started using coconut oil on my lids hoping for some relief…


  16. Hannah says:

    Heeeyy, try using dove body wash, I can’t use anything else :(. Also try taking an antihistamine before bed it helps to calm the skin and reduces itching :D.


  17. gen says:

    Miracell and red light treatment!


  18. Anonymous says:

    Your post was very interesting and encouraging to read! I’m having hard times with my atopic skin at the moment. Living in Northern Europe’s cold climate doesn’t help the situation either… Anyway thank you for tips and inspiration! 🙂


  19. gladwin says:

    what face product must i use to get rid of blemishes and acne


  20. ellery says:

    I also just wanted to add after reading some of the other comments here that ive noticed alot of people use natural remedies such as essential oils, and buying creams etc that are all natural. I completely understand this as im the same, in that id rayher a natural remedy than chemicals and steroids. I know everyones eczema is different and whst works for one person wont work for everyone else but I just thought id say that personally I react the most to “natural” products. Natural fragrances are my biggest trigger and as much as id prefer natural over chemical, I find I have to go with the man made options every time. So if anyone is using natural products and not getting results, mayb try cutting out the natural products for a couple of weeks and c if that helps?? Just an idea!!
    Also-look up apple cider vinegar, Ive heard from many people who swear by it! (Although unfortunately it didnt work for me:( )


    • I haven’t tried that? How do you use it like apply it to the skin directly or take it internally? And I try natural but I use a mix of products, whatever seems to work well with my skin. What do you use?


  21. ellery says:

    Omg its so great to hear that Im not the only one who suffers so much from eczema!!!! Mine is all over my body, like really, EVERYWHERE. its gotten to the point where I hardly leave the house because my face looks so disgusting. Plus its coming into summer here but my bodys so covered in eczema that im too self conscious to bare any skin so just sweat away in my long pants and sleeves (which then aggravates my eczema even more). Anyway, I thought id share some of my tips because if ur anything like me you’ll try anything! Ive found that the ONLY foundation I can wear is Clinique Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturizer. I react terribly to everything else ive ever tried but can use this wiyh no reaction at all. Its quite expensive but u can get it much cheaper on id recommend going into the store for a sample to check u dont react first though. I recently saw a specialist in food intolerances and ive bern given a big list of foods to avoid for the next 4weeks, then ill see her again and review. Its only been a week so far but already ive seen some improvement. She told me that foods in the nightshade family are known to aggravate eczema-these are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, capsicum and chillie so ive cut them out. Apparently bananas pineapple and kiwifruit are to blame for alot of allergies as well. Ive also started having baths with epsom salts, lukewarm and only staying in for a maximum of 15minutes. Its too soon to tell if its helping yet but it definitely soothes it short term. When my eczrmas really bad it can b quite painful having a bath or shower, but getting into a bath with epsom salts immediately relieves the pain. A friend of mine who also gets very bad eczema swears by coconut oil and flaxseed oil. She puts coconut oil on her skin immediately when she gets out of the shower. She also takes 2spoons of flaxseed oil every day. U csn add it to smoothies if the taste is too horrible for u. She said it took a while to notice a difference but she stuck with it and after 6weeks she said it was like a miracle, eczema practically gone. I just went out today and bought flaxseed oil and coconut oil, so I cant give my own verdict yet but im very hopeful!! Well I hope u find something that works for u, I know how desperate it can feel sometimes!!


  22. Manfred says:

    People the cure for eczema is high doses of vitamin d3!!! DO it and you will be cured! I had eczema for 2 years and tried this and have now been eczema free for 1 whole year!


    • You have to be careful when taking vitamin d3 as high doses can be toxic to us!


    • bec says:

      Please take your ignorant post elsewhere. Eczema is a complex disease which affects everyone differently and still baffles specialists all over the world. Saying things like “The cure for eczema is…”, “Do it and you will be cured” is extremely unhelpful and misleading.


      • Hi there will you tell me which post talks about a cure?! I don’t approve such comments so must have by mistake! Ugh! Sorry!


      • Manfred says:

        Excuse me people are suffering needlessly over a horrifying skin condition which i happen to know a good deal about as I did have the most heart-wrenching eczema for 2 years. It covered my face, my neck (so thick), my stomach, my back, all my arms, and my heels. It was beginning to spread to my chest and my knees when I happened upon a forum where lots of people encouraged COD LIVER oil, i checked it out and walla, it had larger doses of Vitamin D3, which comes from the sun naturally. Large doses will solve the problem as we barely see the sun and so there is an epidemic of vitamin D3 deficiency. I went to 15 doctors just for my eczema, and all they gave me was cortisone, more cortisone, antibiotics, and cortisone shots where it hurts. Now please, this is the cure for eczema, it has worked for thousands of other people, and you can’t seem to understand that if the sun was the cure for eczema, how would the pharmaceutical companies make any profit off their products??


    • Samuel Cheung says:

      I have similar conditions, ive had eczema all my life(23 years).thanks for sharing the experiences and tips. I think the same about the long hot shower situation haha. I found that good sleeping pattern is very important. Secondly keep calm and no stress also. Just wanna ask if anyone had their ezcema cured after having it for a long time, not just 2-3 years. If yes, tips?


      • Well I had childhood eczema and then it was dormant shall I say until 16 and had it for 8 years now…leaving uni was miraculous like you stress and good routine and sleeping pattern make a difference but stress is a hard thing to control to say the least!!

        What works for you? People say people grow out of it in their 20-30s sometimes which I guess I secretly wish is true…but I’m never that lucky!


      • Manfred says:

        Hello mate! If you read my post above you would know that the cure for eczema is large doses of Vitamin D3 liquid tablets. I’ll tell you what, go to your GP and ask to be tested for Vitamin D. I’m sure it will come up very deficient and they will then prescribe large doses anyway. Don’t tell me I see the sun everyday apparently it doesn’t work that way, I live in a desert country with boiling hot sun and yet all of my family turned up Vitamin D deficient. Of course not everyone that is Vit. D deficient has eczema, but pretty much anyone with an allergy is vitamin D deficient! Don’t ignore my post please this is the cure that no one wants you to know!!


  23. Laura says:

    Hi have just read your interesting blog. I too have excema and I have curly hair, I was reading about how you care for your hair and how you now straighten it. My mum used to have curly hair but she straightened hers. Later on in her life she found that straightening her hair might have caused dermatitis which is just like excema but on your scalp. As I have already said I too have curly hair and after trying trying loads of shampoos with perfumes and sulphites I have found that Jessicurl products without perfume have worked a treat on my hair and my skin and I can enjoy my long curly hair loose. I will keep following your blog, it’s been really helpful to read about others who also have excema and how they look after their skin.


  24. Katie says:

    I’ve found that The Body Shop Hemp Cream is a really good alternative to prescription moisturisers and helps keep my skin soft(er) for longer! Their Hemp shower oil is really good as it keeps skin soft after showering, so you don’t get that dreaded tight itchy feeling.
    I’m really interested in the whole taking Vitamin D/E supplements and Epsom Salts so am definitely going to try those out – I’ve been scatching and gouging chunks out of my skin in my sleep for months now, my hands are weepy and sore and my neck is bright red (I’ve had eczema since birth and I’m 23) and I can’t work out what’s setting the itch off. Antihistamines just don’t work either! 😦
    Thank you so much for posting this blog, it’s really nice to see that other people out there suffer from the same affected areas and don’t want to accept that the Drs are right by saying that ‘steroid creams are best’ – please keep posting!!! 🙂


    • Your eczema sounds very similar to mine! And neck eczema is the worst!! Mines is a nightmare!

      I use body shop hemp butter too! Smell isnt great but it’s worth it! I get what you mean by it smooths. I also use Eucerin replenishing face cream with 5% urea ( the 50ml tub one not the squeezy bottle) and that seems to work well on my face and neck. A small amount seems to go a long way. Just can’t get my neck to “smooth” out, always rough and itchy!!

      I cut down on my sugar that has helped calm my itching!! Tough to cut out sugar but worth it!


  25. Mel says:

    Hey, great blog! What I found that is helping is applying a light layer of moisturizer to rashy areas, rubbing it in, and on top of that applying vaseline to seal in the moisturizer. It seems to help.


  26. longislandrules says:

    Besides doing all these wonderful things to control your eczema, are you also using cortizone creams? If you are that may be your biggest problem preventing you from healing.


    • No, I did a few months back due to flare up being unmanageable but with my care routine it does not involve steroid creams.

      Steroids prevent true healing and are a “quick fix” so are not part of my natural skin care routine.


  27. David says:

    Hi, Just came across your blog, looks like you have the same condition, as I have,- Been to Many Dermatologist – NONE help except steroids location and cream, I found out from pharmacist that using neutrogena coal tar (Extra Strength – Orangle link below relieve the itching and best for eczema
    Please take a Bath in EPSON SALT at night>
    1. take around 1-2 cups of epson salt – fill the tub with water less then half,Get Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment (Equate brand Ok too) and This Coal tar shampoo – use the white cap and drop 4 Full cup – mix it up and lay down for 30 minutes. You won;t believe how much it will help you.

    Try it (If it itch – Don;t use Aveeno powder) then I use CETAPHILL CREAM{adtype}&kpid=prod10756&sst=7a1da9af-57cb-fa48-42af-0000461d7b18 Comes in JAR, With Vaseleen – it will be a great pleasure, and you won;t itch all day long..Epson salt is the answer.

    If you need help- let me know


    • Thanks for the tips!! Will Dead Sea salt work the same or does it need to be Epsom?

      I have begun to use Cetaphil cleanser and moisturising cream and find them helpful (fingers crossed!). But adding salt baths seems like a good idea. Does this keep your eczema at bay?


      • David says:

        Oh Course Yes – but if you can find it (RealONE), Not through the JEWS selling in the mall. I use Epsom salt – or SeaSalt from this site
        There is a Remedy that you wanna give a shot. I may cure you, cause everyone is different.

        1. Buy a cumin seed from Asian Store – Take 7-8 Tea spoon, put it 1 liter of water, )or 2 liter with 10/12 spoon BOIL it for 20 minutes- Like you making cumin water. I know I won’t taste like sweet water – But It really works –

        This is an OLD remedy for liver diseases, Cumin detoxify the liver, and Eczema is part of lives disease. (You can Google for cumin seed & eczema) before trying – Hope this may works for you.


      • David says:

        Sorry Forgot – Once you make it – Drink Small glass of water 2 times a day or 3.


      • Ooo I will try this! We use cumin in Indian tea so we have some at home. Does this work for you?


  28. delilah barron says:

    Hi Everyone, here is my post on my step by step eczema regimen that works wonders for me, try it out and let me know if it works for you


  29. Alex says:

    Try taking an allergy pill every day… my doctor recommended that I try this, and it really helps!


    • Which allergy tablet do you take? It might be that the one I’ve tried hasn’t been effective! But something to reduce itching and reaction would be great!


      • Michelle says:

        I had a full blood and allergy test done for my eczema. They prescribed a 20mg pill of antihistamine per day, a drowsy one for night, and told me to rinse out my sinus twice a day. I use Sudocream and a prescribed steroid cream with camphor to relieve the flare ups. I haven’t used my antihistamines regularly and the reason being..since I have been rinsing out my sinuses and using a dehumidifier, my flare ups have decreased! The main cause of eczema is an irritation WITHIN you. My allergies were staying in my sinuses from breathing in all day and night, and now my eczema is decreasing daily. This has helped me, I don’t have swollen puffy itchy eyes with eczema on my eyelids, and my eczema around my body has decreased as well. Hopefully this will help you. My doctor told me if the antihistamines you are taking have no affect, just switch brands, back and forth.


      • Thanks for this post! How are you rinsing your sinuss?! And which histamine do you use or which ones if you swap? I tried one and gave up when it didnt work so maybe it’s worth trying a different one!


      • David says:

        I usually take benedryl (1 at night 25mg,) Don;t take non-drowsy. it won’t work. But it works good


      • Hayley says:

        I take a fexofenadine HCL such as Allegra or a generic brand. As long as I take it daily then I don’t have any itchiness and it also clears up my other allergies. If I skip a day or two however, I feel itchy and my allergies flare up.


  30. Lothea says:

    Just wanted to thank you for sharing your experiences! I’ll give some of your tactics a try. What sort of shampoos / body wash do you use? I have tried Head & Shoulders, T-Gel, T-Sal, Johnson’s Baby…and I think my favorite is tea tree oil infused. That said I try to only wash my hair once when I shower as I am exptremly active and shower at least once a day, and my poor ears don’t like shampoo.


    • My ears are the same!!! It’s quite frustrating. I’m quite bad with my bath products as if my skin is calm I will use anything! But at times I wash with oils (olive mainly) so my skin isn’t dried out at the end. It is a bit greasy sometimes but I use a muslin cloth with it to rid of excess and get rid of any dirt!

      What do you use?


    • Michelle says:

      Cover your ears with a thick layer of Vaseline and make sure your shower water is more cold-warm


      • Tina says:

        I don’t recommend Vaseline because it is made with Crude Oil which I found out causes Breast Cancer in Women, A natural replacement for Vaseline is Coconut Oil that is pure and certified Organic and not refined and works for eczema.


  31. vuvie says:

    Hi I am definitely loving your blog. I’ve had face eczema for years but for the past 1 year, that has exploded all over my body and limbs.

    My body is finally healing with epsom salt soak. You name the eczema, I’ve had it. So I really appreciate your dedication to your health, body and the blog.

    Thank you!

    PS: My derm told me to swim cause chlorine will kill the secondary bacteria infection that I have. I am not sure… haven’t try it yet though I’ve got my new swimsuit. Hehe.


    • Hi there,

      Thank you for your post! I really appreciate it!

      How are the Epsom salts working for you? Do they help reduce a flare up?

      I’m going to post in the next few days about the oils I’ve used as I’ve found them to be so helpful! I use to use Shea butter, coconut oil and virgin olive oil but never really saw the fuss over them as they were never that helpful, but I’ve really began to like the new ones I’ve purchased so hope it will help others who have reached a stand still in products!!


      • vuvie says:

        Can you email me? I really will like to send you pictures of my progress with epsom salt. Email: wong.suyin (at) gmail (dot) com


      • Brittany says:

        I really like to use olive oil as a skin cleanser. I think it works just as well as soaps/cleansers but it leaves my skin feeling so much nicer! With soaps (even “gentle” “sensitive” ones) my skin always felt tight and painful after washing. Not with olive oil though!


  32. Bryah's MOM says:

    I am a mother of a 6 year old daughter who suffers horribly with eczema. I recently found your blog from surfing the web alllllllll night because I am desperately trying to find something that will work. I feel soooooooo bad for my daughter. She gets these flare ups behind her knees that has completely discolored her skin. On the bottom of her foot is cracked and often bleeds, her big toe is discolored and craked. And as of lately she has dry patches and bumps on her face!!!!! Typically this is our routine…….. She takes a LONG BATH (although doctors told me not to) in OATMEAL (made by aveeno-found it in target). It completely stops her from itcing for at least an hour after she gets out of the tub. It calms the itching perfectly…without it she’s scratching and crying. I then take Calamine lotion (very cheap in any store.) And apply it to her weeping areas, it works wonders to clear it up some. For the rest of her body I apply Eucerin original healing soothing repair creme in a jar…its very thick and moisturizes through the night. Now here’s the trick for her very bad spots…ie- the cracked feet, behind her knees, elbow creases and toes……. I have a aloe plant outside (given to me by my grandmother for my daughterks eczema). I cut a leaf from the plant…open it up-which is very very slimey….I mix it with the calamine lotion and apply it to those areas….its won’t stay on the area without something keeping it in place and it doesn’t dry quickly….I take a wet sock and put it on both feet to hold the slime in place and also lock in the moisture. For the back of her knees…I take my husband’s long tube socks and cut the foot part out, I wet it and slide the long tube part over her knees to lock in the moisture behing her knees. I do the same for her elbow cracks. It holds the aloe slime in place. She sleeps beautifully EVERY time and wakes up with the flare ups GONE and weeping GONE!!!!!!! However she goes to school, comes home and its back! So we do it all over again. Now she has it on her face and I don’t know how to control that. I’m going to try Neosporin Eczema creme. Saw it in Walmart last night. I’ll continue to read your blog for more help


    • brian says:

      hi i have eczma and my granddaughter has eczema! my daughter turned the central heating off in her room , which made it a lot better ! Also the air conditioning in school is so bad for it., make sure she doesnt sit near or under the air conditioning ! hope this helps


    • Ali says:

      I heard that the East African Shea butter works for kids try this: I just recommended it to the owner of this blog too.


    • delilah barron says:

      Your message brought back many of my childhood memories suffering with eczema, I had it very severe and suffered as a child from it. I’m going to post my regimen on my blog, I strongly believe in my regimen and think it could help. I hope that my discovery will help children and adults to not suffer from this horrible skin disorder. What I discovered works for me its not a cure, but its a regimen that really works for me and has worked for people that I have recommended it to and who have followed my regimen step by step:)


    • David says:

      Did you find anything new which works ? is she still Having issue with eczema ? I have some / lot of Good suggestion for you


  33. Hey! I just wanted to say how I love your blog and it has inspired me to write my own. Please visit for my review on bleach bath for eczema!


    • Lily says:

      Hi Alice, I just found out about this blog. ive been looking for something to help it out. Its really hard because every one has different types of skin and not everything works. I had weeping too. i hated it! but i noticed that thick lotions or cortizon cream really works for me.


  34. Lisa says:

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I will definitely try the lavender oil. Although I’ve had eczema all over my entire body at times, I mainly have it on my hands and wrists. This makes it difficult to wash my hands, do dishes etc. I do wear gloves while doing dishes, but I obviously have to wash my hands occasionally throughout the day. I’ve tried everything and have found Neosporin Eczema Essentials to work best for me. I use the lotion and the body wash, as shampoo, soap everything irritates my hands. I also plan to try the honey you mentioned. Good luck to you with finding something to alleviate your eczema. Thanks for the tips you gave in your blog. Lisa in California


  35. Manfred says:

    Hello, I have also suffered from severe eczema all over my body for 2 years. It was the worst experience ever, but God guided me to use vitamin d3, about 10,000 IU every day for about 3 months. And in 2 weeks my eczema was completely gone. I did more research and discovered that 1 billion people are Vitamin D3 deficient, and that millions of people have been cured using it, but with very large quantities only as the daily recommended is too low. Don’t disregard my advice this could cure your eczema!


  36. Olive says:

    I’ve had eczema pretty much all my life (21 years old now) and recently, it just flared up to the point where it’s impossible to do anything without my skin cracking up. I would wake up in the morning, and see that both my shoulders and arms are completely cracked up and weeping. I’ve tried many products and most just does not work for me. The worst part to that is when they sting like crazy when I apply them.


    • See I find it very hard to really control a flare up as well. It seems like I can try everything when my skin flares up…lotions, bathing with certain bath ointments, trying to get more sleep but when the eczema decides it wants to calm down, that’s the only time I really get relief…it’s weird how it works but the eczema is in control which is so frustrating. It sounds like you aren’t really sure of your trigger for eczema either ?

      That’s why right now I’m really trying to find a solution to really controlling flare ups so that they hardly occur because everything goes down hill when skin flares…mood being such a major aspect for me which drops so quickly. If you’ve read the rest of my blog, I’m currently on day 3 of having wheatgrass so lets hope the benefits are skin deep!


  37. chris says:

    Has anyone tried skintoskin clothing?

    It is getting some really good reviews, however it is new and not many out there?



  38. samira says:

    The best thing i have found yet for my eczema is Egyptian Magic cream, its pricey but it works….and it works fast!!! I have wasted hundreds of dollars on products that didnt work…this was a godsend for me…You can get it on ebay much cheaper than the store.


  39. Emmy says:

    I use essential oils for pretty much everything from dry skin to cleaning my kitchen drain. There are quite a few essential oils that put together in a blend make a great treatment for eczema. The two most versatile that I would start with (blended with a carrier oil like sweet almond oil) are sandalwood oil for it’s moisturizing properties and lavender oil for it’s anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Eczema isn’t a lot of fun, I hope this will help anyone who has it.


  40. Pinkee says:

    Glad to know there are other people in the world who deal with what I’ve gone through my whole life (25 years old now). I feel like my skin has gotten worse over the last 3-5 years. I know stress triggers my breakouts for sure. My skincare regimen is pretty unique. I am of Indian decent, so my family and I try to stick with the more organic healing remedies. I have been doing gram flour masks on my skin the last month or so and it has helped me soooo much! I cannot stress enough how great it has been. Gram flour is actually chickpea flour. I mix about a cup of the flour to however much milk or coconut oil (coconut oil is sooo good for dry skin) can form a paste and add a teaspoon of tumeric. Gram flour is known to be a natural exfoliant. I don’t do the mask everyday because sometimes you need to let your skin heal from the exfoliation (especially us eczema sufferers). Although it’s not an eczema cure, it has helped more than any product on the market! That includes the many creams and lotions and body washes that are “for eczema” and even prescriptions (have tried Protopic, Elidel, and Elocon). Elocon has been the only steriod to help my skin. I also have Lichen Amyloidosis on my legs.. it is awful. Another thing that has helped my itching tendencies is to use ice. Anytime I feel the urge to scratch for 5 minutes straight, I run to the freezer and grab an ice cube. It really sucks at first because I am soo cold natured, but it relieves the itchy feeling! Hope this helps any of you guys out there!


  41. Rose says:

    I had a really bad flare up about 9 months ago. My skin was so red, weepy and raw. It felt as though I had reached the last layer of skin on my face. I had been going to at least 3 to 4 doctors every other week for the past 9 months and was miserable because they couldn’t quite figure out how heal my raw skin. I had been dairy for the past 3 years because I feel that it aggravates my eczema. I decided to also cut out wheat and processed foods and reduce my sugar intake. I started acupuncture about 4 weeks ago. My face and neck has improved greatly and the itching has also stopped. I found that as soon as I have eaten something with even a trace of dairy or wheat, the eczema on my face and neck immediately starts flaring up and weeping. And, I start itching all over my body. The funny thing is that I’ve had alot of testing done for lupus, allergies, you name it. My allergist said that I was not allergic to anything. Maybe my food sensitivities do not test positive, but I definitely know that my body can’t tolerate wheat and dairy. I believe that my body has changed and I may have been less sensitive to wheat and dairy years ago, but now it’s like poison in my body. Good luck to everyone out there who is also fighting the eczema battle.


    • I understand what you mean Rose! We might not be allergic but our bodies don’t take to certain foods….the only reason I sometimes dread eliminating foods from my diet is like you said, my skin flaring if I then have them again.

      But I guess clear skin is worth it?

      What are you doing currently?


  42. Darien says:

    I sometimes get flakey skin around my elbows and knees, and if I scratch it gets red and infected. It’s not eczema though, it’s just dry skin. I use an antibacterial soap that my aunt gave me, it works to keep the skin from flaking and getting infected. I think it will help with your eczema too! It should help clean the infected areas to keep them fresh. Heres a link to the site you can order it from


  43. Great piece lady! I like how systematic your skincare regimen and writing are. The routine you stipulated would most definitely clear up your skin. I do believe that if you want to repair damaged skin (whether it is photo damage or the damage occurred due to other extraneous factors) you need to invest in some medical grade skincare products. A friend referred me to Vivite and I can vouch that the results are fantastic.


  44. Maria says:

    Really nice post, it seems like our eczema conditions are nearly identical, although I still continue to curl my hair lol. Ahh. I’m going through a flare up right now :/ it sucks. I use aveeno with menthol because its soothing. Idk if it would help you but it feels good!


    • I’ve gone back to curling my hair too! I missed it, I feel frusrated that eczema takes the driver seat in my life sometimes and controls everything I do just incase it flares….How is your eczema right now?


  45. Shelley says:

    You are a very disciplined person, and I admire that you take the time to take care of your skinand share your progress so that others may benefit.

    I noticed that you focus mainly on treating the symptoms of your eczema. Have you looked at any methods that focus on the root causes of eczema as an approach to controlling your eczema? If you have, I would be interested in knowing your experiences.


    • To be honest, I wish i knew the root cause. Since it started at 16 years of age I feel something must have triggered it but I just don’t know what frustratingly. I have visited homepaths in the past and they have never really been able to piece it together either….that’s why I have resorted to moving over to treating my symptoms to help.


  46. Jessica says:

    I am a sufferer too but it is my hands and feet that are affected. I am going to attempt a juice fast, and have begun Yoga and runs on the treadmill. I am also considering doing a coffee enema (look up the Gerson Therapy) It is total body cleansing, and reset of your system. I am also removing meat from my diet, but keeping fish 3 times a week. I find that Aloe body butter is the only lotion that helps my hands. And I use moisture gloves all the time (despite the funny looks wearing gloves out and about in the summer)


    • Hi Jessica, I’m really interested in hearing how you have got on! Please let us know as I am thinking of starting to juice, and do yoga so you’ve already added both to your routine!


  47. Nell says:

    Hi, all – I just discovered your Blog. Thank you!!! I am 80 years old but very active… developed eczema only recently. My dermatologist suggested Moisture as the prime therapy; keep moisturizing especially in winter, when there’s little or no humidity. (but I spend part of my winters in Portland, Oregon – it’s pretty rainy there all the time). The brands I’ve used are Vanicream and Cerave. Also a prescription cream called Triamcinolone; it’s cortisone and steroids. I don’t like to use too much of it but it does help specific places clear up, though not permanently.

    Another major cause of eczema (says the dermatologist) is Stress. Try meditating!

    I have tried Epsom salt baths and they do make me feel much better, not itchy. Also I take two different anti-histamines: Allegra in the morning and Zyrtec in the evening (I get the generic kinds, from Walgreen’s; cheap!). I haven’t tried going without those; I think they help a lot to stop the itch which stops my scratching, and scratching is what brings on the rash.

    In summer I swim in salt water EVERY DAY. My dermatologist told me that is very good for eczema; in fact some people go to the Dead Sea for this purpose. Sunlight is good, too.

    It’s very good to find your blog – helps a lot to compare notes with other eczema sufferers.


  48. Maria W. says:

    One other thing that helps eczema sufferers is to de-chlorinate your shower water. Installing a whole house water filter will filter all the water in your home from both chlorine and chloramines, which are known to irritate skin further.


    • Juliana says:

      Maria, that’s interesting that you said that because I just heard the opposite. I went to an allergist last week who specializes in atopic dermatitis (the kind of eczema that myself – and it sounds like most people on this blog suffer from). She told me that swimming in a pool is one of the best cures for eczema because it’s prolonged exposure to cool moisture AND it has chlorine, which she told me is surprisingly good for eczema because it kills bacteria. One of the most interesting things she explained to me is that during a flare up, skin is more reactive than normal to the bacteria that live on our skin. Contact between and eczema area and bacteria causes increased inflamation and redness. That’s one of the reasons why scratching and rubbing is so bad for us: it breaks the skin allowing extra bacteria to get in, which causes extra reactions. She suggested putting hand sanitizer on inflamed areas (not the eyelids) to keep them clean. So a slightly different opinion here about chlorine…


  49. Perri says:

    Hi there! Okay, right now my eczema is better than its ever been – knock on wood- an so I just wanted to say that just by not scratching- I reduced my problem by atleast 75%. It sounds so simple, and I know that we would all rather jut have a magic potion that clears it up and that no one wants to hear not scratching is the answer. I under Stan how super difficult and frustrating it is; my eczema is severely triggered by stress and anxiety. And I just moved. So I have been trying every cream out there, and every medication and sipplement out there untill I went to the dermatologist and he told me straight up that if I stopped irritating it- I would see results in about 1-1/2 weeks. And he was right. I still take a strong type of Benedryl at night an I still put lotions on and take fish oil and such, but I have noticed a drastic improvement. I am just crossing my fingers! I use Aveeno cream moisturizer just for eczema, Epsom salt baths, bleach baths or swimming once a week, daily moisturizer, high tech creams, and good showers. I simply adore hot long showers- so for my skin’s sake, I immediately glob on the lotion as soon as I’m out and I don’t have any problem. Our new state we live in is intensely dry as opposed to the tropics, and so I have had to cope with that change as well and have realized that some creams that use to work in the humidity don’t work as well now. So I changed with my environment. I’m trying to find a counselor for stress and anxiety as my dermatologist recommended that for me. I wish you all the best and I hope that everyone figures this battle out for themselves. It is an insanely frustrating, depressing, and insecurity-establishing disorder that we have to live with. It’s soooo not just “dry skin.” good luck!


    • Jodie from Michigan says:

      I am 40 and have been suffering since I was a toddler from eczema. Mom’s know their children so well, mine commented that the best my skin EVER looked was when I lived in Phoenix for a three month stretch. I wasn’t using any steroid creams. I was active outside and in the pool. I think one of my issues is the sweat problem. I had it bad in the crooks of my knees and elbows and on my neck. The dry environment would suck all the sweat away and leave my skin, shimmering! Probably just some salt crystals left behind.

      Now, I am in Michigan and I find that it’s the same environment that I grew up in. The eczema is back. I bought sheets from an outfit in North Carolina they are called DermaSheets and they are silky but wick the moisture away from your skin. That put a stop to the middle of the night itching when your subconscious is not able to tell you to STOP scratching! The vicious itch/scratch/bleed cycle has been reduced with these sheets!

      All the best to you!


  50. Rhonnie says:

    Heya.. I am a long term severe eczema sufferer.. I am now 42 years old and still get the flare ups. What worked wonders when I was covered head to toe when I was in my twenties and hospitalized was this routine…. Oatmeal warm bath, pat dry, steroid cream prescribed by doctor (change it regularly as skin gets used to it) smother skin in sorbeline. Wet a towel in hot water in the bath and wring it out completely… Wrap skin while towel warm lay still… Have another warm towel applied. I was admitted to hospital as my body was so covered and seeping from split skin. I needed help and someone to provide it. 3 days later I walked out with glistening good unitchy skin. Even the nurses were amazed saying they cannot believe flaky red swollen skin reacted so well. Of course this needs to be done often. But a great place to start again when u r going crazy with wanting to rip the skin off yr body. Get someone to help u as it is hard work keeping up with the warm towels over & over. Good luck xx


  51. Anne says:

    My Eczema is almost completely cured, and let me tell you, I had the worst flare ups around my neck and chest, and they are 99% gone! I used Lush Dream Cream, Dream Wash and Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner for about 2 weeks and it looked so much better! Today, I only use Dream Cream because now that my flare ups are gone, I just need to keep it moisturized, and Dream Cream does its job!
    Disclaimer: I know Lush is expensive but so are other skincare products, and I found it really to help so check it out!


    • Jodie from Michigan says:


      I do have some too, but I found it didn’t work for me. I purchased both the cream and cleanser. I do however, love Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner! That is fantastic on my skin! It leaves me so soft and moisturized before even stepping out of the shower.

      Note to others, J & J Baby Oil made me CRAZY itchy!!!! I was thinking I would put some on the top of my hands when I was getting extremely dry and seal it in with the AVON Moisture Therapy Hand Cream (Intensive) What a mistake! I had to coat my hands in the 2% hydrocortisone gel to get the itch to stop! That only dried me out more in the next day or two. My skin also didn’t like shea butter, same reaction. Nor did my skin like Northern CA. I busted out in hives hiking in the Sierra Nevada. I think it was a mixture of the eucalyptus and redwood scents in the air. I was fine in the toxic city air of San Francisco. Weird. Everyone is different. The Vitamin D thing didn’t work for me as the first post on your blog stated it worked for him.

      Good Luck to ALL in your trial and error runs!


    • Ro says:

      Hi Anne!
      Know that you are an Angel!
      I’m heading to the department store to purchase the items you have suggested.

      Thank you!


  52. justine says:

    I constantly have eczema on my neck and face, especially around my eyes, eyebrows and hairline. I have recently started using vitamin E oil around my eyes at night and have found it really good. It helps reduce redness and swelling. However it doesnt seem to have the same effect on my neck which is more stubborn. I got eczema when I was 19 and am wondering would anyone have any suggestions as to what could be the cause?


    • See I can’t work out why mine started either so I can totally emphathise with you! And now when I get flare ups I can never pin point WHY which is so frustrating!!

      I might try vitamin e! As I find my face swells and becomes red and sore looking!

      Thank you for the tip


    • caroline gregory says:

      I am finding that there is a strong link betwen Candida and eczema. Cutting out all sugars has really helped to bring down the flare ups and I find that If I have any sugar the flare-ups come back. I find that Lavenda oil mixed with whatever moisturizer you are using helps the itching and to keep it clean and infection free, it also helps me get off to sleep.


      • Jodie from Michigan says:

        Interesting, I have been taking colloidal silver for sinus infections that I think are linked to possibly candida. I haven’t really noticed any change in my skin however. I will keep you posted.


  53. amanda says:

    Hello..I just read you post today.I also have similar problem as you.
    You should try ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE..product from NEW ZEALAND.
    I already try it for 7 months.My eczema didnt flare up for 3 month already.


  54. Tom says:

    hi there, I stumbled upon your blog 🙂 I myself don’t have eczema but my little brother does. One thing he does follow and has been working for him has been to eat plenty of quality yogurts and drinking tea two times a day.

    Sourced here:

    “It’s also worthy to note that some studies suggest that probiotics can possibly tone down the symptoms of this medical condition. Probiotics, which are a type of live bacteria, are found in foods such as yogurt and some supplements. Some experts recommend drinking of black or green tea to relieve eczema symptoms. Then there’s also the advice to consume foods rich in omega 3 as this is known to fight inflammation. More research is needed to confirm these theories.”

    Make sure you eat the healthy yogurts tho and not the ones packed full of sugar. This is just one things out of the many I know he follows and which do seem to help clam his eczema flare ups.



    • Thank you Tom!

      It sounds like you have really been trying to help your little brother which is great, have you found the probiotics have been helping? Would like to hear how it has been going for him!

      Thank you for posting =]


  55. Emilie says:

    Hi there,

    My son has had eczema all over his body for 2 years. I tried a lot of the same things mentioned in this blog. My ND told me that he was intolerant to gluten, peanuts, strawberries, and corn. I tried restricting his diet, but that’s very difficult, not to mention expensive. My friend introduced me to a nutritional supplement that was supposed to do great things for the digestive and immune systems. We tried it and it worked! It took about 2 months start to finish, but he is completely 100% eczema-free! He is so much happier- no more scratching and crying at night. Life without eczema has lifted a huge weight off my chest. I hope you all find relief somehow.


    • I’m really glad your son’s eczema has cleared up! Has it remained clear?

      Also what nutritional supplement did you use? I would be interested in seeing what has helped you so well!

      Thank you for posting =]


  56. sheridan says:

    This is good to know. I have tried everything from Burt’s Bees but way to oily. I’ve tried every product too at Wholefoods almost. I do the at home facial with the Riiviva Microdermabrasion tool for my acne scarring and it’s terrific. It is here at
    Do you have any recommendations as to what avenue to take for moisture without all the oily residue that happens when I use oils. Thanks


  57. mia says:


    I am so glad I found your blog! Thank You!!!!

    I have had eczema since I was 3 months old… im 25 now. Sometimes its bad, sometimes its good… right now its bad again. But the important thing is that I`ve found a place where there are people like me, people who share the same problem and understand me. The emotional/mental side of this illness is totally overlooked and I have searched EVERYWHERE for a “support group”..had no luck until now:) Thank you again!
    It`s important to inspire eachother in maintaining the right skincare routines and share tips& ideas but its equally important to akwnoledge the emotional side of this disease… i have many good friends in my life, very close friends.. but i cant bring myself to talk about this even with them… most of the time i pretend that its not a problem.. i mean i take care of my skin etc but i dont think about it, its almost as if i hide it. Shenay was totally right when she said “but i will resist and be positive after reading this blog and once again accept that eczema is my life and without wishing for a cure i should try my best to control it :D”. Thanks for reminding me that!

    Wishing all of you peace of mind (and skin:P) and strenght and positive attitude to bear this burden :))

    Mia (off to taking a shower and tanning – best cure of them all).


  58. Jean says:

    I posted earlier and I forgot something, I wanted to tell all I have found that my laundry detergent is very important, I use detergent that has no dyes in them, I only use All (in the white bottle) and Dreft, and I have been using Baby Magic body wash for some time now for my showers.


  59. jean says:

    I have eczema, it is mostly in my hair and back, I have tried 4 different dermatologists so far, but not much help from them, so I did some things on my own, I take 1000 of vitamin C daily, vitamin E daily, A and D and I take a allergy pill, After trying prescription shampoo’s that only made things worse for me, I ordered some products from Amazon .com it is called EXEDERM it comes in children and Adult form, I ordered the shampoo and conditioner and the itch cream, I wanted the moisturizing lotion but they were out when I ordered, I will ordered when stock is replaced, these things have gotten me under control, so far, I bathe in lukewarm water, and I have found if I stay cool things are much better, before I started these things, I would take a spoonfull of Bendryl at night, this helped the itch and helped me sleep as well.


  60. Erik says:

    anyone tried Kefir and raising your dosage of Omega 3-6-9? I have tried this with some success. I don’t always stick with it but is seems to be helping myself and my daughter. I typically either use Kefir or Greek Yogurt.



  61. Sheena says:

    Hi, my eczema is unbearable! I have it all over my face, its inflamed, burning, itchy, dry, and flaky. My sister and I both suffer from eczema…I was just wondering what products you use on your face? i’m in my early 20s and I feel like I’m getting some fine lines because of all the steroid creams to prevent the eczema and its making me very worried.


  62. Sheena says:

    Hi, I’ve heard oolong tea does wonders to eczema prone skin. I haven’t gotten the time to go out and buy it, I’m hoping it works!


  63. Jane says:

    Hi from Australia!

    My 8 year old daughter suffers from eczema and I have found a combination of things work. I had to figure out which foods agrivated it, stopped using soap, washing powder and other chemicals. I also found a natural cream that has helped immensely, it soothes her itch instantly and seems to prevent the eczema from worsening. I buy it from eczema-baby dot com but I’m sure it would work for adults too.



  64. Raptor321 says:

    I give praise to the All Mighty God, because although i suffered for about 2 years with the worst kind of eczema imaginable, He came through to me and ended my suffering by guiding me to the cure. Thus is the path of the believers. Anyways, yes, i did have eczema, it started on the inside of my elbows, spreading to my arms, legs, stomach, back, neck (that was the worst) and finally my heels. Hell, everywhere on my body itched, i could scratch for hours on end and then cry my eyes out because i thought i would never get cured. I tried 12 dermatologists, all of them failed me, i tried natural herbs, primrose oil, flaxseed oil, but none of those really eased my pain. Hours on end of scratching brought sleepless nights, my skin was red, itchy, and oozing, it was disgusting, having to rub cream on my weird bumpy body, and my thick, thick and red neck was driving me crazy. It was a horrible test, which all thanks to God is now over. So the question is how? Well it wasn’t a miracle, but after about 6 weeks, it was gone, and i am sure i know the reason. Here is what you must do and God willing it will be gone: First use Hydrocortisone (0.01%) for some relief and to get rid of the eczema. Of course the eczema WOULD come back because cortisone is not a cure. But use it because when u apply the cure, u will hydrocortisone less and less each week. Therefore apply hydrocortisone twice daily for the 1st week, then once daily for 2nd week, then every other day once, and so on. Here it goes: the cure is Vitamin D3. You heard me, and please BELIEVE me! I searched so much to find this answer, people claimed Cod liver Oil was helping them, so i checked out the ingredients of Cod Liver oil, and Vitamin D3 was a key component. So using vitamin D3, i took 5000 IU (international units) every day for about 6 weeks, after my skin almost cleared i lowered the dose to 3000 IU, and they were soft gel capsules. But Vitamin D3 is not enough. For a time it helped me but not enough because YOU MUST exercise regularly and preferably in the sun to get the Vitamin D3 moving to all parts of your body. I joined a gym and did cardio and heavy weight training, and it goes away slowly if (4-6 weeks) if you are a frequent scratcher (like me) or very quickly you can resist the itch and not scratch. So there you have it, and it worked for several others, so try it and u won’t be disappointed inshallah. At first exercise 4 times a week for at least one hour, and at least try to walk 30 minutes in the sun every day. As your skin clears u can reduce exercise to twice a week, but keep on taking the pills unless u see enough sunlight, which u don’t. Vitamin D3 has several benefits, i researched them and new evidence says they help in allergies (bingo, eczema!) and sure enough it came through with me. But ONLY with exercise because it must spread through your body. Okay now, i hope i have helped u, leave comments and let me know if i did good with this post, but remember to thank God because he is the one who will cure you. Just believe and apply.
    Yours and truly,
    A friend who helps.


  65. Aryanna says:

    Good day!
    I’m so glad I found this blog. I’ve had eczema/atopic dermatitis since I was a child and it’s only gotten worse as I grew older. I have it on my arms, my back, tummy, chest, butt. And living in the Philippines with limited technology, they were no treatments available–the smog, pollution, dust and heat didn’t help either. It’s embarrassing but it doesn’t bother me that much since I have them in easily ‘coverable’ places.
    I came to the States months ago hoping for liberation from these things, but somehow it’s gotten worse. I now have them on my face and when I touch them, they become zits! The zit cream I’ve been using hasn’t worked so far. I bought some make-up from Clinique that will cover these zits, but I’m not even sure if they’re safe to use (I heard someone say they’re for Caucasian skin and I’m mixed race Asian-Caucasian-MiddleEastern).
    So I wonder if you know of any that will help both zit creams and concealers. The only product I use now is Cetaphil. And I’m allergic to tea and a lot of things…might even be allergic to the water here.
    Help, please.


  66. Rachel says:

    Thank you for writing this, I am sitting at work almost in tears. I’m at my wits end. I have had eczema my whole life (31) and it is the worst now that it has ever been.

    Six months ago I lost my baby and it’s been the worst time of my entire life. During my pregnancy I was unable to use my normal Eumovate steroid and my skin went crazy. My arms and thighs are the worst, red, weeping, thickened skin at my wrists (it’s actually mildly painful to move my hands as the skin wrinkles). I almost go into a trance when I’m scratching, I know I shouldn’t, I know I have to stop, but I just can’t. It’s totally irrational. 😦

    My GP won’t prescribe me anymore steroid cream, because she says this is caused by stress levels and I ‘just must stop scratching’. People without Eczema find it so easy to offer this little trinket of advice, do they not think if we could we would! I have stopped showering as much and have reduced to ‘washing’ daily, which is awful – I feel so disgusting, the thought of showering makes me so nervous of my skin being so tight and dry afterwards.

    I am currently using Oilatum cream and it is very good, I just have to put it on as soon as I feel that burning itch, otherwise it’s game over.

    I now believe I have developed a awful routine of constantly touching my arms, when I’m not distracted I sit touching (almost stroking) my arms, which becomes a scratch, which becomes an attack. I can’t brake the cycle. I ask my boyfriend to take my change at the till or enter my pin number in case anyone sees my disgusting red hands.

    Just knowing you guys are experiencing the same thing as me makes me feel a little less ugly, but I wish doctors would help us more. It’s so awful knowing there is no-one to help or take you very seriously 😥 x


    • Firstly, I am so sorry for your loss, I hope you have had the support you need and wish you my deepest sympathies!

      How are you now? Your eczema sounds like it is really getting you down and I get the dreaded itch just like you, and weirdly, I feel that I am constantly touching my eczema patches too which then causes me to itch once then twice….then its a frenzy and I can;t stop…I feel so guilty and ashamed after though….I wish other people would understand this as I feel they think we put it on ourselves and I wish it was as simple as not scratching!!

      Try Dead sea salt baths, I feared showering too much but these are good for eczema and allow you to relax in the bath for 20 mins which is such a bonus! Haven’t completely rid of my eczema but allow me to bathe without the dreaded dryness afterwards. Dead sea salts are anti bacterial so are good for our skin as well! And it seems like you could do with some stress relief, I will be posting about them in more detail soon =]

      You are not alone though, I feel so grateful to have heard from so many of you, I didn’t realise just how many of us eczema sufferers there were out there til I began this blog and it really has made me want to really eradicate this with all of our tips put together because thats what we all want and need!


    • Sushma says:

      Try Turmeric… worked wonders with my little one. Blogged about it, in the hope it helps http://www.atopicdermatitisnaturecure.blogspot.comw.


  67. Sandy says:

    Hey. I read your blog on eczema. Im in my early teens i have face eczema as well as on the neck. My face eczema isng that bad. I usually have patches of dry skin here and there. Im worried about my neck though. My doctor says that Im the worst one with eczema she’s every seen in her life. That was 3 years ago. Now my eczema has grown onto my neck. I put on emollient moisturiser every second day for atleast 30mins then i must wash it off since it irritates my skin. It doesnt seem to be working. And i would love to try Aveeno, the one you mentioned on your blog. But it isnt available here, in ireland. Im usually stressed due to exams and family. Negative moods make my eczema worse. Please give me some advice 😦


    • Hi Sandy,

      I feel for you so much!! The eczema on my neck is by far the worst I suffer from, I just wish I knew what caused it and how to get rid of it for good!! I feel it flares and calms constantly but I never truly rid of that itch and that’s what I want! I want to be completely rid of this itch, this dry skin and all of the worry and stress that comes with it!!

      I feel that I need thicker lotions on my neck than aveeno if I am honest. Like something with a paraffin base, or thicker. I am currently trying to find a new solution as my current creams are doing nothing to relieve that itch, soreness or dryness but are just making me feel more irritated! So keep posted =]


    • Jodie from Michigan says:

      I feel for your situation. I think ezcema has a way of being a cloaked invader, in that we don’t see it coming and ezcema has a way of changing it’s course too. I found that things that worked for me one year, don’t work for me the next. This cycles. I will keep the product companies in business and profits forever.

      One thing that did work for me (put it on a wish list because it was expensive) is LaTherapie (Paris) Creme Fortifiante peaux rosees. This is a cream that soothes the red out. I put it on towards the (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) weekend so I will be beautiful for Friday and Saturday nights. Read the reviews on Amazon. It is pricey, I saw it for $68.00. In pounds or Euros it would be less, aside from shipping.

      As crazy as this sounds, people always want to know what you want for Christmas. Gift cards would work for trialing lotions and creams. This is going to get expensive. I’ve had excema since I was a toddler and I am now 40. I have a cupboard full of lotions (when I find one that works, I buy more). But alas, then they don’t work anymore and I am on to find something new. I am in a lotion exchange program in the summer with a seven year old next door to us. Her mom is so thankful to me. I spend the time and rub and massage the cream in. She is a twin and her Mom works full time so I feel so for my little friend when she would tell me the lotions would burn and she would cry (of course her mom felt so guilty at this point).

      I thank the “owner” of this blog for bringing everyone together to discuss products and therapies. Keep stopping back!


  68. Bernadine says:

    I have heard that mare’s milk can help reduce inflammation and may help with eczema. Has anyone tried this?


  69. ana says:

    Hi just to say i have it on my face and the best is clarins it is awesome n instantly calms it go to macys they have a chamomile tonic and a oil really worth it


  70. Monica says:

    I’ve had eczema my whole life. Since I was a baby. I’m 16, and I still have it. Recently it has gotten worse. I have it on my face, my neck, the back of my neck, behind my legs, my arms, even my boobs. I cant afford to go to the doctor to get prescribed medicine anymore. I have been using eucerin cream and it hasnt worked very well. Noone has helped me or given me any good advice.. Help?
    Also I have these red bumps that appear on my thighs, my legs, and my arms. They dont itch or burn or anything their just there. They first turn up as pimples then they just stay there and scar. I think I have an infection, or something in my blood. I dont know. I dont want my skin to be like this for the rest of my life. please help…
    Can you email me please?


    • Hi Monica will you please send me your email address and I will email you =]

      I find that I also get lumps on my thighs and arms!! Especially around times my eczema flares, there must be some relationship! I am currently on a mission to try lots more methods due to a recent flare up so keep looking at the blog =] Hope you will find it helpful as I too now am thinking cleansing my blood might be good!


      • Hi girls, so I recently stopped using topical steroids and these red pimple like bumps started to appear on my thighs and arms. Do you think their related by any chance, because you mentioned that you didn’t want to purchase more medicine? When did the bumps appear?


  71. Annemarie K. says:

    I’ve been hearing a lot about this new body wash treatment for Eczema called CLn. A friend forwarded me a video of it with a doctor talking about how well it works and I’m curious to try it. Here’s the video: Do you have any experience with it or know anyone who’s tried it? I’ll try anything at this point and really like that I don’t have to get a prescription for it. Thanks!


  72. Pearl says:

    Hi reading this post, I believe I did the same things as well everyday. But do u wake up feeling hot flushes? I felt like that some morning especially from my neck area alone. I don’t know if it’s dehydration through my sleep or because of eczema, I scratch my neck in the start of the morning becaue of it. Do u go thru the same? I hope u can shed some light on this….I drink AppleCiderVinegar & Chlorophyll water also which helps to cleanse my neck area first to clear up. Hope it gives u hope!


    • I find my neck is one of my most stubborn eczema areas! Like you,I find this to become itchy in the morning (but also when I get into bed too) and it gets so itchy that it is so hard to not itch it at times. Which parts of your neck are worst?

      I find that the area right under my chin and my jawline, as well as the centre of my neck are the worst areas. The skin tends to be stubbornly rough too. This is one of the areas I am trying to work on the most!

      I am currently trialing the Essential care products and their Ultra rich balm helps to heal my neck eczema I have found and it reduces my need to itch a lot. I find that I have to shower every morning too as otherwise if I just wash it and moisturise, my neck remains in that frustrating, itchy mode. I know it may sound weird, but showering first thing really helps me!

      Also a short term solution can be an ice pack when you’re feeling flushed! I haven’t tried aloe vera myself either, but I have heard it may be good as it is cooling but make sure it is 100% natural.

      What is your current routine?


    • angelina says:

      Tried a a natural cream from Anar naturals. There Vit E cream did wonders. Got it from amazon –


  73. Awesome post! I will keep an on eye on your blog.


    • cynthia says:

      I have been studying the disease for a while now, I have had friends with eczema and made different real natural creams for them. That is what I do. I suggest that you use oatmeal pure natural soap strictly no additives or perfumes pure natural soaps, creams with the neem essential oils in it and natural witch hazel tea to bath your skin with the solution. All these things you should purchase from the health food store. Hope this helps.


  74. Alice says:

    Hello, I recently found your site while desperately searching for something to temporarily relieve my weeping eczema. It is really annoying and in my opinion the wetness is worse than the itching. My face is so red and irritated and cannot stop weeping no matter how much I’m dabbing. It would harden and crust over on my face and even stick to my clothing!! 😦 do you know ANY way to immediately stop the weeping? Everywhere I looked and asked people said to put cream on it but that seems like it’s making it worse and even after I put cream on it just keeps weeping! Help! Thank you


    • Hi Alice,

      Sorry, I have been on holiday over the holiday period! Have you found any relief yet? Where do you come from? Weeping is the trickiest I find =[ The old moisturise, moisturise, moisturise really doesn’t help!


      • Alice says:

        Still no relief :(. In fact the weeping is spreading the eczema all over everywhere!! I’m from new York. Its gotten colder so even just sneezing makes the weeping start because I’m moving my face! I really need some help


      • I’m so sorry to hear that 😦 weeping Is the worst! Make sure you use something to help clean it like perhaps tea tree or witch hazel in a natural form as they are antibacterial and weeping just spreads doesn’t it as it is so wet 😦

        On my post about future posts which I posted a few months ago I think I mentioned a group of herbs which are good to wash your face with when its weeping. But because I haven’t had a weeping flare as of yet I haven’t been able to try it out. Sorry.

        Does sun help your skin? I find that sun really helps my weeping patches completely heal! One of the only solutions I know work for me. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.

        I hope you’re doing okay and keep us updated!


    • Makaila says:

      Hi Alice, I just found out about this blog. ive been looking for something to help it out. Its really hard because every one has different types of skin and not everything works. I had weeping too. i hated it! but i noticed that thick lotions or cortizon cream really works for me.


    • says:

      You should try Louis Widmer semi fluid cream with no scent… I know you think its just another stupid cream but I can tell you this… This cream WILL NOT cure your eczema! NO CREAMS WILL PERMANENTLY!! But this cream will keep your skin very moisturised and it completely stops the itch… ive been using it for over a year now and my eczema doesnt itch… Now i am trying a diet with no wheat, dairy products, sugars (chocolate, candy, drinks etc…) and this is suppose to cure my eczema. Also try 50mg of zinc 1 time a day for 1 month… It should greatly help!


    • Rose says:

      Hi Alice,
      I’m in my 40’s and for the first time got eczema, the doctor first thought it was because of dry skin but my skin has never been dried. They now think it is contact eczema which is like an allergic reaction to some material or chemical I came in contact with, I’ll get tested next week. After three weeks it is drying out.

      My eczema began on my elbows and then my legs and hands. I started going crazy and trying everything and pretty much everybody says moisturize, but just like you the cream seemed to make it worse sometimes, expecially on my hands. I felt that I needed to wash my skin because I was putting too much cream, the washing relieved it sometimes. My conclusion was that the little bumps itched, I scratched and they wept, that liquid irritated my skin and it became worse.

      Here is what worked for me. I mixed about 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with about the same amoung of baking soda and enough water to cover both about 2 cm above the mix. In the shower I used this “paste” like a soap all over the areas affected. I felt a litle tingling which made me think it was working. I waited a few minutes and then rinsed with lukewarm water. I pat dried my skin. Then I applied vaseline. Waited a few minutes before getting dressed. The eczema in my hands felt better and began to dry up, the itching stopped immediately the drying took about a day but I didn’t need to use anything else to get my hands back to normal, other than washing at night and using the vaseline. I kept on using vaseline instead of hand lotion/cream because it worked better on my hands. The rest of my body started to get better but I used Curel itch Defense after the oatmeal/baking soda shower, it seemed to work better. maybe your regular moisturisers would be to. A few days later I began to have a little it ch on my face, around the cheek bone. I put some of the paste and it went away.

      Hope you find something that works for you. Good luck.


  75. Charlotte says:

    Thank you so much for this blog, and to the people that have replied!
    I also have eczema, since I was born (now 20). Like Lisa, doctors have always told me that it will probably get better, however it has got worse as I have become older. At the moment my eczema is at its worst it has ever been; my skin is red, itchy and flaky, and has become, in places, thicker and almost wrinkly. I get it on my arms, legs and tummy which I feel so embarrassed about… it’s driving me crazy and I get so upset with it!!!
    Do you think sorting my diet out (like cutting dairies, sugars, alcohol etc) will help a lot?
    I have not yet come across the reason for my eczema flaring so severely, but any help would be MUCH appreciated!
    Please let me know if there are any lotions and potions you would reccomend too! (I use eumovate, e45, eurax, emollients)

    Thanks x


    • Hi Charlotte,

      If you look at my reviews, routine and latest post about resolutions you’ll see what I’m facing and can see if it is related to you?

      The thick, wrinkled skin though ugh!! I can totally relate (sadly!). Trying to work on that at the moment actually as neck and arms are always rougher than most of my skin and never totally smooth down even without a full on flare up!


  76. Lisa says:

    Hi–I found your blog through the Daily Strength eczema support forums. I also have eczema, since I was a small child (I’m now 23). Doctors always told me that it would probably get better as I aged but the exact opposite has happened! It became especially unbearable in October of 2009, which led me to seek out a holistic dermatologist. I was sick of using steroids that did not make my skin any better and wanted to find some kind of natural relief. He ended up putting me on a LOT of natural supplements and a completely new diet–no wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol,anything. I ate lots of green veggies and some fruits (even fruit at first was not allowed). Meat and beans were allowed too. And he also gave me advice on using Epsom salt baths. Initially, my eczema became much much worse. I was red and crusty and oozing all over my face, neck, arms, and entire torso. It spread a bit to my legs too, which never happened before but it wasn’t as bad as the rest. It was my body purging out all of the toxic stuff inside that was making me sick. It took awhile, but things got better and I even ended up enjoying some time eczema free! However, once my skin cleared I made the mistake of going back to poor eating habits. Now as I’m writing this my skin has flared up again and is sooo dry and red and itchy on my arms (always my problem spot), neck, and face. I’m cutting out all of the things in my diet again that I know are harmful to the health of my skin (especially wheat products–some people believe that eczema is a result of candida, or yeast overgrowth, which I believe is definitely the case with my eczema).
    I also wanted to let you know about Epsom salt baths if you haven’t heard of them, because they work amazingly well for me, and feel great. You can boil a pot of water and wait for it to cool to a comfortable temperature, add a few tablespoons of Epsom salt, and apply to effected areas with a washcloth or paper towels like a hot compress. Do this for ten-fifteen minutes and then moisturize as usual. OR if you have more time you can draw a lukewarm bath and add 2 cups of Epsom salt and soak in there for fifteen-twenty minutes. This is my favorite as it is quite relaxing and it really helps. I just started cutting out all the bad junk from my diet these past couple of weeks and its been hard but its getting a lot easier–I don’t even crave any of the stuff I’m not supposed to be eating.
    Sorry for the long-winded response but I just wanted to share my own story with you, let you know you’re not alone, and offer you some advice on whats helped me. Things get better! And look on the bright side–I think having eczema has helped make me strong because I know I can handle it and deal with it. And I’m sure you are stronger as a result of dealing with yours too 🙂
    Take care,


    • Hi Lisa, I’ve just purchased some of the salts today! Though I should try them, there is a lot of positive information about them on the internet! Do they help manage flare ups?

      How is your eczema doing?? I know how frustrating it is to change your lifestyle for good skin when other people can eat unhealthy as they want, drink as much alcohol as they want and never ever get a single spot! Just can’t understand that myself sometimes! But just think of your skin being calm and keep motivated! Its worth the chance to feel good about yourself =]


      • Lisa says:

        they help my flare ups SO much. my skin is super dry, rough, and thin right now–scratching leads right to weeping at this point. im trying to do 2 epsom salt soaks a day and afterwards my skin looks *almost* normal


  77. Gemma says:

    H there 🙂 i I saw you mentioned in your post about manuka honey, you can get this from holland & barrett as a cream for the body, rescue cream for the face, lip blam, & soap, its really gentle & works great for my eczema! Holland and barrett often do a ‘buy one get one for a penny’ offer & so you could wait for that offer & try some 🙂


  78. shenay says:

    hi there! thank you soo much for this blog! this blog should be visble to all the people with eczema that need some help and advise….

    I hope your eczema is going ok 🙂 i kno mine sucks at the moment! i want to itch my skin off right this moment! but i will resist and be positive after reading this blog and once again accept that eczema is my life and without wishing for a cure i should try my best to control it 😀

    thanx again xxxxxxxxx


    • Hi Shenay,

      Thank you so much for your comment! I literally wrote this blog just fot the reasons you give. I wanted to relate to other people by expressing my thoughts about having eczema and to show how my trial and error at managing my eczema goes to help others in their search! I know loads of blogs and sites talk about ‘eczema cures and remedies’ but they don’t really give a personal opinion of anything! Please feel free to comment you own eczema journey please as I know it would be helpful for me and for others! Also, I believe the emotional impact is down played so much in the medical world that eczema sufferers need a place to share their feelings/ pain/ happiness so they can deal with it!

      Hope your eczema isn’t too bad though I don’t wish it upon anyone! =[ Mine is slowly improving now that I have finished uni with a good degree result (what a relief!!) so fingers crossed! Cannot imagine having a job whilst dealing with the bad flare-ups so I’m hoping for the best! I haven’t blogged for awhile but now that I’m free I’ll be back soon. Please subscribe, it’d be great to have some followers (none yet lol).


      • Vioke Violet says:

        I have a type of eczema on my hands & arms that stings with any lotion I put on it, it itches horribly, and even if I avoid washing my hands too much/doing dishes or certain foods (sugar) I still get it (thanks to hormones). So, I thought I’d try Made From The Earth Aloe Jojoba Creme Therapy and let me tell you-IT WORKS! I’ve been using it for over a month now and it’s like 90% gone-I just had a flare up (due to high stress, no doubt)…so it doesn’t erase it completely but WOW-I’m not up all night scratching and having to suffer with scaley, scabby hands any more! 🙂


      • I just looked at the website and they do have a lot of products, i might have to trial some as my current moisturisers are turning out not to be so effective anymore =[ Thank you for the post!


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  1. […] My Eczema Care Routine March 2014 […]


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